Museum Corner

Posted by The National Museum of Funeral History on November 1, 2014

     What do veterans, Abraham Lincoln and the fight against hunger have in common? They are all being celebrated at the National Museum of Funeral History in November. From a canned food drive, to the commemoration of President Abraham Lincoln’s famous Gettysburg Address and special Veteran’s Day tours, the National Museum of Funeral History is getting into the holiday spirit with a multitude of fun and engaging activities guaranteed to entertain and educate.
    This holiday season, the museum is joining the fight against hunger and giving life to those in need by encouraging visitors to bring canned food items to the museum during November and December for the Houston Food Bank. Visitors who bring a non-perishable canned food donation will receive $2 off general admission to the museum.
    During November, the museum is also “Remembering Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address” in recognition of President Lincoln’s famous two minute speech on November 19, 1863 during the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Lincoln section of the museum’s Presidential Funeral’s exhibit will highlight the Gettysburg Address and its significance in redefining the Civil War. The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War, making the town a burial ground for more than 7,500 soldiers. Visitors to the Presidential Funerals exhibit will learn how Lincoln’s address not only moved the 15,000 citizens and surviving family members who attended the dedication of the 17-acre cemetery, but scores of people across the globe, as the speech re-addressed the war effort, American independence and freedom in general, and ultimately went on to shape one of the most powerful economies of the world.
    “Remembering Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address” is part of the museum’s “Leave us your Lincoln” campaign, which encourages visitors to leave their “Lincoln cash” – five dollar bills and pennies – at the museum near the Lincoln section of the Presidential Funerals exhibition. Additionally, the museum is relying on visitors to help fill the Lincoln Penny Folder, which features pennies that have been minted throughout the years. Funds raised through these initiatives will support the museum’s efforts to bring Lincoln funeral artifacts to Houston in the future.
    Visitors can also honor our fallen heroes – brave veterans and military personnel during November. The museum will offer special Veterans Day Tours on November 8th and 15th, which include a tour of the museum, a Lunch & Learn pre-planning seminar and a tour of Houston National Cemetery, the local veterans’ cemetery. Attendees will meet at the museum and begin with a tour of the museum, where they’ll explore the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier exhibit, discover the traditions behind a military funeral and view a special photography exhibit from the Smithsonian that tells the story of the dedication of the Vietnam Wall in Washington DC. Following the tour, attendees will enjoy a complimentary lunch and special pre-planning seminar hosted by Service Corporation International. Then, members of the tour can hop on a bus and travel to the nearby Houston National Cemetery to witness the making of a military funeral and honors, complete with 21-gun salute and more.
    In remembrance of Veterans Day, the museum is saying “thank you” to veterans by offering free general admission to veterans and active military servicemen and women the week of November 10-16. The museum is a great place to pay respects to all who serve and have served by exploring the museum’s military related exhibitions, including the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Dedication of the Vietnam War Memorial, learning about military funeral traditions and more.


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