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“What We’ve Got Here is Failure to Communicate”

Posted by Nancy Weil on October 1, 2014

  I am reminded of this quote from Cool Hand Luke whenever I find a communication breakdown within our organization. As technology expands, we have more ways than ever before to reach out to others. I personally have to check four email accounts, Facebook and LinkedIn messages, texts, WhatsApp and voicemails. That is in addition to actual person to person conversations that may require follow up. Add to that the need to know how each person prefers to handle communication so that you can reach them as quickly as possible. We all have clients who use text messaging, others are on Facebook all day long, some people prefer a phone call while others hate using the phone…it goes on and on like this. Yet we try to learn each person’s preference so that we can reach them in a way that will get us a response. Sales people know this and adjust their style to match the customer and close the sale. Technology has truly muddled the way we communicate, not made it easier.

  The same confusion can reign in an office environment as well. With various staff handling phone calls, the need to create an efficient system is imperative. Our business does not allow for “Oops, sorry” or “I’ll make it up to you next time.” This is a once and done, there are no “do-overs” so we need to be sure that every staff member knows what is going on before any balls get dropped. The days of posting notices by the water cooler are gone. There is no one standing in the middle of the office shouting out pronouncements of the day’s events. While you cannot connect with each staff member or colleague with their own personal preference, like you do with customers, you can create office systems that work for your environment. If clear communication is the goal, how can you best accomplish this? Here are some options to try, if you are not already using them:

         E-Mail: This is the foundation upon which most communications occur in today’s business world. It has many advantages, including:

         Availability – You can check your emails from almost anywhere in the world. Most phones today are very “smart” and can be linked to your business email account. You can also check emails from any computer remotely. Unless you are on a deserted island or hiking in the Amazon rainforests, you can receive emails.

         Clarity – Put it in writing and no one can say they did not receive your message. They can re-visit what you wrote to check back on the details and respond in such a way that you know they got it.

         Group Blasts – You can reach everyone in your office with one email. Create different group contact lists and you will always be sure that you did not forget someone.

         Memos – There are circumstances when it is best to put it in writing in a form that can be displayed, filed or hung. New policies, upcoming events and marketing materials are examples of things best printed and distributed to staff or hung on a central bulletin board.

         Text Messages – If you need to reach someone quickly, texting can be the way to go. If they are unable to answer the phone (at a funeral service, meeting with a family, etc.) texting allows them to quietly look at the message and respond. This is best used only to one person and not as a group text, as no one wants to have their phone constantly beeping with each person’s response.

         Skype – There are times when it is beneficial to communicate with a video chat service. Sales staff, especially, can take advantage of this when working with out of town families. Seeing a person allows for a connection that cannot be made with just a faceless voice. You can also show things to a person without having to email them attachments of photos or figures. If you are dealing with someone in another country, this is a free service. You just have to be sure that they are in your “group” and that they are available at a set time to meet.

         Free Conference Calling – There are several sites that allow this ( or are popular) If you need to speak to a group in various locations, want to record the call or have it accessible for those not on the call, then this is the way to go. You can conduct trainings, meetings or just talk with multiple people at once easily.

  In a world where face to face contact is difficult, clarity is key and information must be shared, it is important for you and your staff to develop a system of communication that is simple and effective. Guidelines and boundaries must be set as to when they are expected to be available, what format you prefer and expected response time. However, in a world where technology changes daily, finding a way to be heard is essential, preventing errors imperative and knowing what is going on at the office…priceless.

  Note: I prefer to communicate via email, so drop me a line at and let me know how you like to communicate. (You can also find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, WhatsApp and via phone or text!)


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