Let's Chat - February

Kristan Dean Bio

Kristan Dean's blog

Posted by Kristan Dean on February 1, 2014

What do you do when life is past the point of overwhelming? When the roller coaster of challenges just keeps getting faster, stronger, and more real with every turn? What gives you the strength to help the families you serve when everything inside of you is screaming, please help my family, my love, me, and all we love? 

  I ask because our family is there and the only answer I can find is to go against my nature, open up, and ask you to please pray for my Dad, my uncles, my aunt and all they love.

  As our family prays for each of them to find their path to healing their esophagus, lungs, heart, body, and brain, this becomes more and more clear: the only way we will be able to be there for each other and every person that picks up the phone, puts a stamp on an envelope, hits send on an email, or visits www.merrychristmasfromheaven.com to share the grief that is breaking their heart, voice the moments that help them realize the love they share with the one they mourn, or ask us for Merry Christmas From Heaven® or A Gift From Heaven© is to reach out ourselves.

  Still, opening up about my personal life just seems so personal, too personal. How can I write about the moments that make me feel I am past the verge of not being able to do one more thing? I could go into the specifics and give you all the blessings and blows my dad, uncles, and aunt are receiving as they find their path to healing, but that is not what this column is about because talking about the roller coaster is not what is making the ride easier.

  This column is about my learning that when I take that leap of faith and ask others to pray, send positive thoughts, meditate on healing, or help me do that one more thing, humanity answers. Much like my father has taught me faith in God and all that is divine is not something I believe in it is something I get to do and experience. His path to healing is teaching me that I can go beyond trust. I can experience the divine that is in each of us.

  Thanks to life pushing me past the point of overwhelming I know all we need to do is find the courage to reach out beyond our closest circles and kindness will multiply. People will join in our prayers, send positive thoughts, and give us the strength to do that one more thing. As amazing as this sounds, I have come to learn that even our darkest moments are answers to our prayers. They give us the opportunity to experience the divine that works within each of us.

  Though I pray your life never brings you past the point of overwhelming. If it does I pray that you will reach out beyond your circle and allow as many people as possible to multiply the gifts human kindness can bring. I pray when they do that it is part of the answer to your prayers. I pray their kindness gives you the strength to do that one more thing to help your family, those you love, and the families you serve.

  Thank you so much for being a part of our family’s prayer circle. There are no words that can convey what your positive thoughts, kindness, and prayers mean to us. We are only able to pray if you find yourself in a moment that requires you to reach out that you will allow us to be a part of yours. 


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