December 2021

Page A23 DECEMBER 2021 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A BROOKHAVEN,MS— Antonette Smith, an evangelistic teacher of the gospel of Je- sus Christ and founder of the empower- ment ministry of Brookhaven, Mississip- pi, has completed her new book Life After Losing a Child , a moving and meaningful work that shares the author’s own experiences as a mother who lost a child and as a sibling who lost brothers in early childhood. The author shares how the deaths of her brothers af- fected her parents and family, as well as how los- ing her own son affected her family, her four other children, and their father. Published by Page Pub- lishing, Smith’s impact- ful work sheds light on the unimaginable grief that affects par- ents and families who experience the loss of a child. The author describes the pur- pose behind her work, writing, “Millions of parents lose a child every day and are left struggling, trying to not be over- taken with grief for the rest of our lives. We suffer from guilt, shame, hurt, pain, and sorrows until we allow Jesus to heal us. Losing a child from a miscarriage, stillbirth, sickness, deformities, abor- tions, accidents, or ho- micides—all these loss- es of a child carries the same hurts, pains, sor- rows, and grief. The loss of these children leaves a void in all our lives as a family. I pray by sharing my loss and grief process, you will seek Jesus for healing for yourself and family. That you will be empowered to live your best life after the loss of a child or sibling. I pray you will live to the fullest capacity God has intend- ed, Jesus died to give you, with the Holy Spirit guiding you—a life of purpose not only for yourself and family, but for the child that is gone but not forgotten.” Life After Losing a Child is available at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Antonette Smith Publishes New Book from Personal Experiences: Life After Losing a Child 19781 Pauling , Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 DECEMBER 2021 Park Lawn Announces October Dividend TORONTO,ONTARIO— Park Lawn Corpora- tion (TSX:PLC) has an- nounced that the monthly dividend of $0.038 per share will be payable on November 15, 2021 to shareholders of record as at October 29, 2021. PLC provides goods and services associated with the disposition and memorial- ization of human remains. PLC and its subsidiaries own and operate businesses in- cluding cemeteries, cremato- ria, funeral homes, chapels, planning offices and a trans- fer service. PLC operates in three Canadian provinces and fifteen U.S. states. Apple iTunes Store, Am- azon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble. Like @Nomis.Publications Like us on