September 2023

Page A35 september 2023 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Section A Known for quality materials and craftsmanship, Madelyn Co. Keepsake Pendants are hand-made using jewelry-grade metals. The opportunity to choose a Keepsake Pendant presents itself only once. The comfort a Keepsake Pendant offers, lasts a lifetime. 800-788-0807 Fax 608-752-3683 e-mail call about monthly specials or visit our website TM Keepsake Pendants August '22 FHC:Layout 1 6/2/22 1:22 PM Page 1 by KNAUER INDUSTRIES Above International Transport Services is the e ortless solution for international repatriation of decedents. Funeral homes, travel insurance companies, and families can rely on us to handle every aspect of shipping with just one phone call. See how ABOVE can help simplify international repatriation for your business. We Go ABOVE and Beyond Veri ed TSA Approved Indirect Air Carrier IAC # NE2304007 212-597-9140 All 195 countries Best rates & ight routes One call, one provider, one invoice Veri ed TSA approved Experienced, licensed sta ©Leap Tie™ Funeral Rule Update Chris Farmer, General Counsel | NFDA Learn the top Funeral Rule compliance issues and the steps your funeral home can take to avoid FTC Funeral Rule violations. Hear the latest information on the FTC review of the Funeral Rule which kicked off at the beginning of 2020 as well as a discussion of how the review process will play out. Compassion Fatigue: How to Mitigate Funeral Care Burnout Lynda Cheldelin Fell, CEO | International Grief Institute While the value of compassion in funeral care has gained increased attention, it remains a neglected focus of training. Vicarious trauma leading to compassion fatigue is changing the way funeral professionals think about self-care. Participants will explore how repeated exposure to traumatic deaths coupled with lengthy, irregular hours and the constant output of empathy can affect their cognition and emotional balance. Learn 10 evidencebased techniques designed to mitigate the effects before it leads to career burnout. Transformative Times: Deathcare for the Gender Diverse Community Faith Haug, Program Chair | Arapahoe Community College Mortuary Science Program The LGBTQA and transgendered communities face discrimination and difficulty navigating all areas of their lives – why should they face this in death, too? This comprehensive presentation will bring attendees up to speed on common terminology and pronoun usage and reveal how to effectively serve this community through specific examples of common situations a funeral professional might face. Attendees will also learn methods of preparing and cosmetizing the transgender decedent in a respectful and appropriate manner. 2023 NFDA International Convention & Expo Pre-Convention Highlights WORKSHOPS 8 – 9 A.M. (1 CE HOUR) Continued How to Invest Your Advertising Dollars Wisely Bill Johnston, President | Post and Boost Many funeral homes can’t conceive of advertising because they don’t believe it works for their business. That is a myth! Advertising can work and does work for funeral homes. Learn what roadblocks stand in the way and how you can overcome them. If funeral homes intend to remain profitable and expand in the world of growing cremation rates and shrinking margins, they need an advertising strategy faster than word-of-mouth. Discover how advertising works, what you can say, and gain tips on Radio, TV/Cable, Internet, Outdoor, and Facebook. Tuesday, September 12 8 – 9 A.M. (1 CE HOUR) Save on Shipping! DIGITAL DIRECTORY Available Download instantly at