September 2023

Page A34 september 2023 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Section A AMRA INSTRUMENTS Researched, Developed and Patented by Funeral Directors Research,Inc. visit for links to our Supply Chain Partners ™ ® Share this NEW resource with grieving families to remind them that they are not alone. 2023 NFDA International Convention & Expo Pre-Convention Highlights fingertips to elevate the appearance of decedents to look “more natural.” Let’s review several technical skills needed for both embalming and post-embalming, as well as color considerations and cosmetic application to better help achieve a pleasing appearance and succeed at this challenge. Suicide Risk Within the Deathcare Profession Sara Murphy, PhD, CT, Death Educator and Suicidologist Little to no public discussion or education has specifically addressed the risk of suicide for professionals working within the deathcare professions. Given the unique nature of the high-stress work undertaken by deathcare professionals as well as the historic silence around suicide within the profession, it is crucial that professionals can both give and receive the supports they and their colleagues need to recognize suicide risk and employ prevention and intervention practices. Dr. Murphy will focus on (1) differentiating between myths and realities of suicidality; (2) recognizing suicide risk within deathcare professions as well as traditional barriers to validating risk; and (3) developing helpful, research-supported responses to prevent suicide death loss within the profession. Department of Defense Overseas Mortuary Operations Trevor Dean, Program Analyst | Department of Defense Brooke Gurevich, Director | United States Forces Korea Mortuary Mr. Timothy Scott, Program Analyst | Department of Defense The Department of Defense prescribes the highest preparation standards in the profession and applies those standards for those eligible to receive mortuary services. Learn the strict standards used by Department of Defense mortuaries worldwide, and how it can apply at your funeral home. Also learn how overseas mortuaries in the Pacific perform their duties and serve the communities in their region and how it may affect your funeral home. The Importance of Proper Paperwork Mike Nicodemus, Vice President, Cremation Services | NFDA This program is designed to help funeral directors have a better understanding of the importance of having proper paperwork. Inaccurate, incomplete, and inferior paperwork can cause the funeral home considerable damage in a court of law if the funeral director has not taken the time to be certain all paperwork is filled in properly and correctly. Proper documentation is of the utmost importance when defending yourself in front of a judge and jury. WORKSHOPS 2:30 – 3:30 P.M. (1 CE HOUR) Continued Mending the Generational Divide Antonio Green, Funeral Director | James H. Cole Home for Funerals Allyse R. Worland, Funeral Director | Embalmer & Celebrant The typical funeral home in the United States is owned and/or operated by an individual of the Baby Boomer or early Generation X age range. The up-and-coming Millennial generation, which will soon become the successors in these businesses, act and operate very differently and are changing how businesses operate and are carving new paths in almost every industry, including deathcare. Owners and managers are now getting their first experience with the newest generation entering the workforce, Generation Z, which has vast differences from Millennials. Discover tools and tips for how to motivate and get the most productivity out of your younger staffers, while dispelling misconceptions and falsehoods about the younger generations. Walking a Peaceful Path through Pet Loss Anna McClain, Pet Loss Grief Support Specialist | PAWS Pathway PAWS Pathway is our life path through pet loss where our pets have imprinted on our hearts with their paw prints, kisses, and cuddles, and we honor their memories through our future words/actions. This is a personalized way of going through pet loss that honors the human-bond and always embraces your special bond with your pet, while learning to acknowledge and grow through your grief. PAWS Pathway can be utilized through both Anticipatory Pet Grief and Pet Loss and helps one feel supported and embraced among others in a disenfranchised society. We’ll focus on the common obstacles of pet loss and help others find ways to help with their emotional and physical pain, including discussing anticipatory grief and understanding your pet’s quality of life. Washington Insider: Current Federal Developments & What You Need to Know Lesley Witter, Senior Vice President, Advocacy | NFDA The decisions made by federal legislators and regulators in Washington DC impact your business every day. It is vital that NFDA remain the strongest voice for you, your business, the funeral profession, and the families we serve. Having a strong advocate keeping up with the ever-changing federal legislative and regulatory landscape and how it impacts your business and profession is vital to your success. Join NFDA’s federal lobbyist for a comprehensive review of federal legislative and regulatory issues facing funeral service today that will dictate the viability of your business and the funeral profession. Monday, September 11 8 – 9 A.M. (1 CE HOUR) To View or Not to View: Restorative Techniques for an Open Casket Amanda King, Embalmer and Funeral Director | Bailey Family Funeral Homes Embalmers and funeral directors know all too well the “open casket challenge” – whether or not to leave the casket open for viewing. It’s an anxiety-ridden challenge that can be tackled with ease when we have a broader range of skills at our Habitat for Humanity Build SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 | 6:30 A.M. – 3 P.M. Join NFDA as we help Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas improve the community and make home ownership a reality for a local family. There are three easy ways to support Habitat for Humanity Las Vegas: volunteer for the day, donate or sponsor the build. Stop by Booth 1757 Join the Celebration NOMIS PUBLICATIONS, INC. CELEBRATING OUR FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY YOUR REAL SOURCE. ANYWHERE. ANYTIME.