September 2023

Page A33 september 2023 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Section A With more than 40 years of experience, Inman Shipping Worldwide is the nation’s largest, oldest and most reliable shipping provider. We offer: • International & domestic ship-in services • Unsurpassed attention to detail • State-of-the-art tracking software • 24/7 call center staffed by Inman employees FIRST-CLASS SHIPPING SERVICE. Unmatched Expertise. Contact us to learn about our superior shipping services. (800) 321-0566 ©adfinity® US Cremation Equipment leads the way. It all comes down to… PERFORMANCE! • Service Performance · Rapid Response Times · Attentive to Your Needs · Experienced & Knowledgeable Equipment Performance · Low Cost Ef cient Operation · No Cool-Down Between Cases · Fast Processing Times · Longer Equipment Life · Obese Case Capacity · Fully Automated Controls Call 321.282.7357 We build the best and service the rest. 2023 NFDA International Convention & Expo Pre-Convention Highlights 1:15 P.M. – 2:15 P.M. (1 CE HOUR) Continued Stand Out to Tech-Savvy Families Zack Moy, Co-Founder & CTO | Afterword With changes to the FTC’s Funeral Rule looming, now’s the best time to reevaluate your internet presence. How can you best prepare to meet (and exceed) the potential new requirements on your website? And how can you support your digital visitors while standing out among the other homes in your area? Afterword has analyzed over 14,000 funeral home websites across America, and in this data-driven talk, we’ll present our insights on how you can create the best experience for your visitors. From website layouts to button placement, GPL formats to featured testimonials, and SEO to privacy guidelines, we’ll share case studies and specific recommendations you can follow. Discover how you and your business can go beyond the FTC Rule requirements, help families see what makes your home unique before they ever visit in person, and increase your chances at winning new families’ business. The Dirt on Natural Organic Reduction Brienna Smith, COO | Return Home Katey Houston, Services Manager | Return Home Natural Organic Reduction (NOR) was legalized in Washington State in 2019. This unprecedented change in law has been a point of concern and contention within the industry. As licensed funeral professionals, we were not given access to research or training. Still, we felt that it was our responsibility to be well informed on this new disposition method. Our team abandoned tradition and comfort for innovation and uncertainty out of complete necessity. Return Home began conducting research in January 2019 and has formulated a process that can be explained with complete transparency. Becoming properly informed on NOR is vital to ensure full service for families and continued education as new states pass legislation permitting NOR. 2:30 – 3:30 P.M. (1 CE HOUR) 50 Prep Room Tricks of the Trade Dana Goodell, Director of Sales | The Embalmers Supply Company As professional embalmers, we must work diligently to continue learning from our personal experiences, and to discover techniques and tricks of the trade from others. Discover 50 helpful hints that are tried and true that will refresh your mind and improve your knowledge and skill set in the prep room. Recording Native American Race on Death Certificates Dr. John Hough, Health Scientist | Center of Disease Control and Prevention Funeral Directors already fulfill some of the most important recording and reporting responsibilities in the U.S. National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), by faithfully completing the Death Certificate. Overall, procedures for recording decedents’ demographic characteristics are working well. But there is room for improvement. The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics studies the degree of accuracy of race assignments in national mortality data. Among whites and blacks, less than 1 percent of decedents had incorrect race assignment. Among Asian Americans, the rate of incorrect race assignment has improved, from 7 percent to less than 3 percent. But among Native Americans, that rate remains unsustainably high, at 40 percent. How can the NVSS collaborate with Funeral Directors to improve that rate? WORKSHOPS Booth #1614