September 2023

Page A2 september 2023 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Section A Published monthly by: Nomis Publications, Inc. PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 1-800-321-7479 • fax 1-800-321-9040 Subscription: United States $30.00 - Canada/Mexico $60.00 - Outside North America $75.00 Circulation 21,000 per issue. Deadline for Press Releases: 5th of the Previous month. Advertising: Display Ad rates sent upon request. Classified and Shipping Directory rates published in each issue. All advertising must be received by the 5th of the previous month. Due to the vast amount of sources, the publisher is not responsible for the content of any news articles or advertisements. Nor is the publisher responsible for any loss of revenue by failure to insert an advertisement. The contents of any advertisement submitted for publication are only the publisher’s responsibility if the error is made by the publisher’s typesetting department, and then only to the extent of the typesetting charges. Advertisers are responsible for adhering to individual state regulations regarding advertising. The contents of any news article submitted for publication is subject to editing and is published at the sole discretion of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any news article or advertisement. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced, in whole or part, without the exclusive consent of Nomis Publications, Inc. Editor: Margaret (Peggy) Rouzzo © 2023 by Nomis Publications, Inc. ISSN 1944-1126 Funeral Home & Cemetery News online at Online Directories US & International Funeral Homes • Supply Companies Cemeteries • Pet Memorialization Companies Trade Associations • Plus Much More... NOTICE The FUNERAL HOME AND CEMETERY NEWS is sent in two parts. Section A, which includes pages A1-A48 and Section B, which contains the Classified Advertising and consists of pages B1-B24. If you do not receive both sections please call 1-800-321-7479 or email Like @Nomis.Publications FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS 800-321-7479 ~ www. NomisPublications. com SEND US YOUR NEWS We welcome news of the industry Send us information on your firm today! FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Need Help Putting Your Press Release Together? Call Peggy at 800-321-7479 ext. 220 email fax 1-800-321-9040 mail PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 Send us any press release related to your firm which would be of interest to your fellow industry professionals. All press releases are published free of charge and at the discretion of the publisher. Be sure to include any photographs. Staff additions... Staff promotions... Anniversaries... Apprenticeships... Remodeling... Moving... New Ideas... Community Service Projects... Graduates... Obituaries... etc. Columns Aftercare by Linda Findlay...............................................................................A8 Critical Thinking by Jon O’Hara.....................................................................A14 Embalming 101 by Wally Hooker....................................................................A16 HearseHub by Mike Jamar................................................................................B6 Memoires des choix des Jacque by Kate Frediani-Gorman..........................A38 Museum Corner...............................................................................................A42 Musings with Marika by Marika McMeans......................................................A18 Observations by Steven Palmer.....................................................................A12 Powerhouse Marketing With Welton by Welton Hong.....................................A6 Presidential Funeral Trains by Todd Van Beck..............................................A10 Random Musings by Nancy Weil......................................................................A4 Share This With Widowers by Fred Colby......................................................A20 Monthly Features Association News.......................................................................................... A38 Educational News.......................................................................................... A41 Death Notices. ............................................................................................... A46 Suppliers News................................................................................................ B1 Calendar of Events........................................................................................ B2 Shipping Directory........................................................................................ B14 Classified Ads. .............................................................................................. B17 Continued from Front Page Adam is well-known in the community, often seen in his signature suit and tie. He’s known as “Mr. T… Heavy on the T” by residents. He attends local sporting events and spends time with residents at the Woodridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center every Sunday. Even at 85, he is still the first one in at the funeral home in the morning and the last to leave. He prides himself on providing personal service to members of the community. “I have never used an answering service,” Adam says. “If you call us, no matter day or night, you are always greeted with our familiar voices.” He still does all the funeral services and some of the embalming. Even though Beeville is a fairly small town, being a funeral director still requires a lot of dedication. Vacations, holidays, and birthdays are put on hold or celebrations canceled due to obligations at the funeral home. However, Adam finds it important to be there for families during their most troubling times. Many families are comforted with the knowledge that he and his wife Diana, along with his entire staff, is available at a moment’s notice to assist them in their time of need. Adam and Diana have been happily married for 15 years. Together they run the funeral home, side by side, at all times. Adam contributes his success to his hometown neighborhood. “My success is the west side of Beeville, and I thank the families we have served. They are the reason we have been successful and are still in business.” Adam is dedicated to investing in the future generations of funeral directors by sharing his knowledge and guiding younger generations as they enter the industry. He says he’s been deeply involved with eight to twelve young funeral directors. “I teach them the way I learned, the right way,” he says. Adam believes in the importance of showing compassion, integrity, and dedication to his families and makes sure the younger generations see that demonstrated from him daily. “I am the only one in the whole state of Texas that’s going on 64 years in the service,” Adam says. “Some might be older than me, but they’re retired. My plans are not to retire ever.” He really enjoys what he’s doing in life, which is more than just an occupation to him. What advice does Adam want to share with his colleagues? “Always be prompt and maintain a good reputation,” he says, adding “People know who I am, and that’s a blessing.” Adam is bilingual, speaking both Spanish and English. He says that oftentimes, he works with Mexican families who have come over the border and require his services. He can maintain his professionalism by conducting interviews and services in Spanish. The second generation funeral director, embalmer and owner was recognized in the June 2020 issue of Texas Director, the official publication of the Texas Funeral Directors Association, for his 60 years as a funeral director and embalmer. “I wasn’t able to receive it in person. The convention was postponed because of Covid,” Adam says. His goal at this point in his life is to be awarded his 70 year pin. Adam Treviño of Treviño Funeral Home Has Been in the Industry for Almost 64 Years Garden of Remembrance Memorial Park Welcomes Young Israel Shomrai Emunah as its 30th Partner Congregation CLARKSBURG,MD— The Garden of Remembrance (Gan Zikaron) Memorial Park in Clarksburg, MD is pleased to announce that Young Israel Shomrai Emunah (YISE) of Silver Spring, MD has become the 30th Partner Congregation of the Washington region’s nonprofit Jewish community cemetery. The first Orthodox synagogue established in Montgomery County, MD in 1951, the YISE section of Gan Zikaron is in the memorial park’s Orthodox section which conforms to the congregation’s religious practices. YISE is one of the largest Orthodox synagogues in Maryland. The rabbinic, professional, and lay leadership of YISE have been appointed to the memorial park’s advisory committee. The thirty Garden of Remembrance Partner Congregations include Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, and Renewal congregations. The memorial park also serves those not affiliated with a synagogue. “Gan Zikaron serves the Jewish Community one family and one congregation at a time,” shares Hank Levine, president of the memorial park’s volunteer board of directors. “We honor our loved ones and comfort the bereaved at their greatest time of need,” concludes Levine. A complete list of the Partner Congregations can be found on the memorial park’s website ( Founded in 1999 by Washington Hebrew Congregation, the Garden of Remembrance (Gan Zikaron) Memorial Park is comprised of 152-acres of rolling hills, grass fields, and shade trees surrounded by a Forest Conservation Preserve and has been accredited as a Level I Arboretum and a Hybrid Green Burial Cemetery. An affiliated agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, the memorial park has an experienced staff of caring counselors and is overseen by a volunteer Board of community leaders. The Garden of Remembrance is located near Interstate 270 at 14321 Comus Road in Clarksburg, MD. For additional information about the Memorial Park, visit www. or call 301-428-3000.