September 2022

Page A31 September 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A September 11-13, 2022 Scottsdale, Arizona There is still time to register for the inaugural ICCFA Deathcare Classic Golf Tournament and join us for three days of networking, camaraderie, and activities for golfers and non-golfers alike. A portion of the proceeds go to benefit the ICCFA Educational Foundation. 3” HEARSE NAMEPLATES 1-8 spaces $97.00 per nameplate 9-13 spaces $110.00 per nameplate 14-15 spaces $125.00 per nameplate 16-18 spaces $134.00 per nameplate Many Letter Styles and Sizes Available DEDUCT $15.00 each for Satin Aluminum Finish NEWS Association CONTINUED CANA Disposition Research Renewed for 2022 WHEELING,IL—The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) has published its latest Annual Statistics Report featuring final 2020 cremation data, newly released 2021 data, and projections to 2026 and 2031. The report demonstrates how the growth in the cremation rate continued to follow a predictable trend, even as death numbers remained elevated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CANA predicts that by 2033, cremation will be the preferred form of disposition in every state, surpassing 50%. CANA is committed to gathering accurate and comprehensive cremation statistics to serve the needs of the death care industry and consumers. In collecting annual data, the association obtained figures from state and provincial governments in the United States and Canada. Where information could not be provided, CANA’s statistics consultant conducted a regression analysis to develop five projection models based on more than 20 years of data. Projected cremation rates reported are an average of this analysis. CANA’s Annual Report on cremation is regarded as the most reliable and current available today. 2021–A Year of Unprecedented Cremation Numbers and Predictable Growth Rate As the second year of a global pandemic, 2021 had comparable death and cremation numbers to 2020. The eration. The research also asks how people feel about cremation, having the remains in their home, and distinctions between pet and human remains. The Cremation Association of North America (CANA) publishes the Annual Cremation Statistics Report and other research to monitor trends in the profession. This research is often used by the media to shape their articles and by CANA’s members to guide their future business plans. CANA research is available exclusively for members of the association. For more information on CANA’s statistics, visit CANA Members can read the full report in the The Cremationist or log in to CremationistMagazine. Founded in 1913, the Cremation Association of North America (CANA) is an international orgacremation rate grew predictably by 1.5%, but the numbers are shocking. Over the course of the past two years, excess deaths surpassed one million in the United States. In Canada, cremation growth remained steady at 1.1% though they also experienced excess deaths from the pandemic. Across the world, the unprecedented 2020 numbers of deaths and cremation cases were repeated in 2021. CANA knows that all of those cases were managed by deathcare professionals and is grateful for your service. Consumer Behavior Research on Cremation Memorialization In the past, CANA conducted Disposition Surveys to track trends in consumer preferences for cremation memorialization based on sales data. In 2022, CANA engaged The Harris Poll to conduct this research by surveying United States and Canadian consumers directly about their preference for cremation, how many cremated remains are in households, what they plan to do with the remains, and much more. Three thousand responses were collected as part of the study and the results can guide business planning for years to come. Highlighting the results of the research, CANA found that 26% of United States households and 20% of Canadian households have cremated remains of their human loved ones at home. On average, these households have held on to them for more than 6.5 years, and many do not have firm plans on what to do with them next. For many, they do not plan to relocate them but to pass them on to the next gennization of over 3,500 members, composed of funeral homes, cemeteries, crematories, industry suppliers, and consultants. CANA members believe that cremation is preparation for memorialization. Send us your news! email FAx 1-800-321-9040 PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS At t ent i on As soc i at i on Of f i c ers