May 2022

Page A2 MAY 2022 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Se c t i on A CINCINNATI,OH— Every business has them and every business needs to understand them. All businesses have workers who fall into one of eight different categories. “I like to call these eight categories the CYA A-List,” says Poul Lemasters. According to Lemasters that breakdown includes The Lazy Ass, The Smart Ass, The Dumb Ass, The Old Ass, The Bad Ass, The Half Ass, The Kiss Ass, and The Wise Ass. Knowing what type of employees you have is essential to taking the necessary steps to protect yourself from being burnt or sued. In his new book, Cover Your A$$ – The Ultimate Guide to Safeguarding Your Business Before it Needs Saved Lemasters breaks down what each of the eight categories on the CYA A-List mean and the implications they have for your company. CYA means Cover Your Ass and in a business sense, of course, it may sound a bit brusque, obscene, or even unprofessional. In reality, CYA is essential if you want to avoid workplace problems. In his new book Lemasters gives professional and proactive advice on safeguarding your business. From reviewing processes and looking for legal gaps, to optimizing procedures, ensuring legality, and everything in between, Poul will help you identify and protect yourself from the things that could get your business’s ass kicked. Through eight in-depth chapters of CYA wisdom, readers will learn about hiring and firing, reviews and evaluations, project management, confrontation and work issues, training, policies and procedures, embracing change, and ethics. “Over my long career, I’ve learned a thing or two and I laid it all out bare in this book. This book serves as an easy to understand, actionable guide Published Monthly by: Nomis Publications, Inc. PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 1-800-321-7479 FAX 1-800-321-9040 Subscription: United States $30.00 - Canada/Mexico $60.00 Circulation 21,000 per issue. Overseas rates available. Deadline for Press Releases: 5th of the Previous month. Advertising: Display Ad rates sent upon request. Classified and Shipping Directory rates published in each issue. All advertising must be received by the 5th of the previous month. Due to the vast amount of sources, the publisher is not responsible for the content of any news articles or advertisements. Nor is the publisher responsible for any loss of revenue by failure to insert an advertisement. The contents of any advertisement submitted for publication are only the publisher’s responsibility if the error is made by the publisher’s typesetting department, and then only to the extent of the typesetting charges. Advertisers are responsible for adhering to individual state regulations regarding advertising. The contents of any news article submitted for publication is subject to editing and is published at the sole discretion of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any news article or advertisement. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced, in whole or part, without the exclusive consent of Nomis Publications, Inc. Editor: Margaret (Peggy) Rouzzo © 2022 by Nomis Publications, Inc. ISSN 1944-1126 Funeral Home & Cemetery News Online at Online Directories US & International Funeral Homes • Supply Companies Cemeteries • Pet Memorialization Companies Trade Associations • Plus Much More... Like @Nomis.Publications FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS 8 0 0 - 3 2 1 - 7 4 7 9 ~ w w w. No m i sPu b l i c at i o n s. c o m S E N D U S Y O U R N E W S W e w e l c o m e n e w s o f t h e i n d u s t r y Send us information on your firm today! FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Need Help Putting Your Press Release Together? Call Peggy at 800-321-7479 ext. 220 email Peggy@Nom i sPub l i cat i fax 1-800-321-9040 mail PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 Send us any press release related to your firm which would be of interest to your fellow industry professionals. All press releases are published free of charge and at the discretion of the publisher. Be sure to include any photographs. Staff additions. . . Staff promotions. . . Anniversaries. . . Apprenticeships. . . Remodel ing. . . Moving. . . New Ideas. . . Community Service Projects. . . Graduates. . . Obituaries. . . etc. Poul Lemasters Publishes New Book: Cover Your A$$ Poul Lemasters that you can implement yourself to either start protecting your business or to find holes in your current processes that are already in place to do so,” says Lemasters. To understand your employee types Poul has created a free short “ass-essment” that will show you where you land in the CYA Alist. Visit cya-assessments to learn about the people in your company. Whether you’ve been in business 50 years or are just starting up this book has valuable lessons and insights not found anywhere else. Poul Lemasters has been helping cemeteries, crematoriums, and funeral homes make the right legal decisions for 30 years. He began his career as a funeral director and embalmer. He quickly recognized that the growing risk and liability in deathcare along with the lack of support and resources for those in this profession made for a deadly combination. So, he became a lawyer. Poul uses his multi-dimensional background as a platform to speak to businesses about the variety of ways you can CYA (Cover Your Ass…ets). Learn more at or visit Amazon to order. MEMPHIS,TN— Todd Van Beck has announced the publication of his latest book, Undertaking Mr. Lincoln: The Grand Funeral of Abraham Lincoln. “This is the story about the grand funeral of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln’s funeral was the largest funeral ceremony ever held in the United States, and possibly the world,” says Van Beck. The book also tells the stories of the funeral directors who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to care for the remains of President Lincoln, and who were charged with the organization and detail work that was required to accomplish this extraordinary ceremonial project. The story of Lincoln’s funeral is also a story about Victorian life in America in 1865. The funeral of President Lincoln was so consequential, so massive, so inUndertaking Mr. Lincoln: The Grand Funeral of Abraham Lincoln is the latest book offering from Todd Van Beck Todd Van Beck volved that it is not an exaggeration to say that this one single funeral changed the entire funeral profession in the United States for over the next 100 years. Mr. Van Beck is a well-known funeral professional and is an author, teacher, lecturer, and practitioner on an international basis. He is associated with the John A. Gupton College in Nashville, Tennessee. Undertaking Mr. Lincoln is available on Monthly Features Classified Ads. .............................................................................................. B14 Shipping Directory..........................................................................................B9 Calendar of Events........................................................................................ B2 Association News. ......................................................................................... A28 Death Notices. ............................................................................................... A42 Educational News.......................................................................................... A24 Suppliers News................................................................................................ B1 Columns Aftercare by Linda Findlay. ..............................................................................A8 Bright Ideas for Funeral Directors by Mark Bowser...................................... A18 Embalming 101 by Wally Hooker.................................................................... A16 Facebook Made Easy by Jason Troyer PhD................................................... A10 HearseHub by Mike Jamar................................................................................ B6 Memoires des choix des Jacque by Kate Frediani-Gorman.......................... A36 Museum Corner............................................................................................... A38 Observations by Steven Palmer..................................................................... A12 Powerhouse Marketing With Welton by Welton Hong.....................................A6 Random Musings by Nancy Weil......................................................................A4 Rest In Peace Mr President by Todd Van Beck.............................................. A24 Working With Widowers by Fred Colby.......................................................... A20 NOTICE The FUNERAL HOME AND CEMETERY NEWS is now sent in two parts. Section A, which includes pages A1-A44 and Section B, which contains the Classified Advertising and consists of pages B1-B20. If you do not receive both sections please call 1-800-321-7479 or email