May 2020

Page B7 MAY 2020 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on B Introducing the Combination Coach by MK Coach To inquire about our Entertainment Package/Factory Tour or to schedule a Product Demonstration at your location, contact Tommy Jones at 270.842.9995 or . ‘15 Platinum Phoenix 12,000 Miles Call For Pricing ‘17 Lehmann-Peterson Limo 2,953 Miles $69,850 For nearly 30 years, our family-owned business has honored the deceased with integrity by offering only the highest quality funeral products. Please visit for the latest inventory and details on: – New/Used Coach & Limousine Sales – – Service & Maintenance – – Factory Reconditioning & Detailing – – Funeral Procession Accessories – – Loaners – In-Stock Inventory Available for Immediate Delivery! – Take Advantage of Historically Low Financing Rates – Independent Factory Representative, Exclusively Selling Kellerman Family Brands. VID-19 outbreak being felt across the nation, many funeral directors are con- cerned about being able to meet with fam- ilies in person to make arrangements. To assist funeral directors during this time, Passare, Inc ., is offering its online Col- laboration Center free for 90 days to fu- neral homes who wish to offer online ar- rangements to the families they serve. “We understand the pressure that funer- al professionals are feeling right now, and this is one way we can help,” said Josh McQueen , VP of Product. “The Collab- oration Center is an online arrangement platform where you can interact with the families you serve, gather biographical in- formation, share documents and photos, and much more. We realize there is a huge need for this type of technology right now, and we wanted to be able to do our part to help the funeral profession by offering our software to anyone who needs it.” Passare invites funeral professionals to sign up for free access to the Collaboration Cen- ter by going to /. In addition, Passare will be offering free train- ing webinars and resources to assist funeral COVID-19 INDUSTRY RESPONSE OVERLAND PARK,KS— With the challenges faced by Funeral Professionals in making arrangements with families remotely or consistent with social distancing procedures, The Wilbert Group has built a solution allowing a remote presentation of outer burial con- tainers (OBCs) to families. Utilizing Wilbert’s simpliFi ® program – which simplifies the OBC presentation with a straightforward yet vivid graphic combined with a short informational video – two different remote presentation approaches have been de- veloped for Funeral Professionals to choose from: • Version 1 takes the family completely through the COVID-19 INDUSTRY RESPONSE Wilbert Simplifies Burial Vault Presentations for Social Distancing simpliFi ® burial vault presentation from be- ginning to end in a 3-minute video, after which the Funeral Pro- fessional steps in to an- swer questions, provide options, and address pricing. This version re- sides at www.wilbert. com/burial/simplifi- presentation • Version 2 allows the Funeral Profession- al to guide the family through the burial vault selection process by us- ing the “Funeral Pro- fessional Guide” that is a part of the simpliFi ® presentation program. Following the guide along with showing the family the “Outer Buri- al Container Choices” graphic and the educa- tional video, the Funeral Professional can interact more with the family as they learn about OBC options and make their selection. The graphic and video for this ver- sion resides at www.wil- “We invite Funeral Pro- fessionals to test both of these versions to see which one best suits their needs for remote presentations,” said Ken Moore , Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing. “Either ver- sion provides a simple way to inform families quick- ly, thoroughly and inter- actively about the choic- es they have pertaining to burial vaults – including personalization of the vault which has been proven to elevate the service experi- ence for the family.” For more information about the remote pre- sentation approaches or about Wilbert’s simpliFi ® program in general, please contact your local Wilbert Representative or call 913- 345-2120. FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS Tell them you saw their Ad Passare to offer Free Online Collaboration Center for 90 Days homes in getting up and running with the collaboration software as soon as possible. “We want to do what was best for the pro- fession,” added Josh McQueen. “As funeral homes remain committed to serving their communities and protecting at-risk popula- tions, we want to provide tools and resources to support their mission and heart of service. It’s truly an honor to be able to offer this free resource to the profession at a time like this.” One of the greatest challenges in the funer- al profession today is communication with today’s tech savvy families and access to ac- curate and timely information when and where you need it. To meet this need, Pas- sare offers the funeral profession’s only fu- neral home collaboration software with inte- grated business management tools. Through Passare, funeral directors can connect and communicate with families and access case information anytime, anywhere, using any internet-connected device. Offering unlim- ited users, unlimited devices, unlimited up- dates, and 24/7 customer support, Passare is helping funeral staff to save time, stream- line processes, and spend more quality time with the families they serve and with their own families at home. To learn more about Passare and request a free demo, please visit ABILENE,TX— With the im- pact of the CO-