May 2020

Page A40 MAY 2020 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A O n -L ine A ssOciAte D egree i n F unerAL s ervice 1616 Church Street | Nashville, TN 37203 615-327-3927 | For information concerning cost and program call 615-327-3927, go to our website at or email If you are interested in becoming a licensed funeral professional, John A. Gupton College can help you get there. The Associate Degree in Funeral Service is an accredited program. Our online program is flexible, career-focused and may be completed in 12 or 16 months. Financial Aid is available. social event of the year recognized their generous sponsors and donors and raised funds for the CCMS Educational Cremation Center, a $3 million dollar facility construction project to begin this year. The Educational Crema- tion Center Sponsor Part- ners include Facultatieve USA , G.H. Forbes , ICCFA , and Lemasters Consulting . The Top Gala Supporters this year were Schoeding- er Funeral & Cremation Services , Keither Walk- er Funeral Home , Frank & Liz Rosenacker , Jack & Debbie Lechner , and Mike Haller . News Educational ContinueD Victoria Krouse is named Best Young Funeral Director of the Year Victoria Krouse receives the award for Young Funeral Director of the Year from CCMS President and CEO Jack Lechner. CINCINNATI,OH— Near the beginning of her senior year in high school, one of Victoria Krouse’s closest friends experienced two unex- pected deaths in her family. “It was devastating and her grief was indescribable,” says Victoria. “Seeing her go through that pain got me started into looking at the death care profession.” After some online research and meetings with local fu- neral directors, she knew her career path was set. Last fall, Victoria was given the Award of Best fner Cremation & Funeral Care , in York, PA where she interned and subsequently was hired as a full-time funer- al director and celebrant. In addition to this honor, Cin- cinnati Mayor John Cranley issued a proclamation making October 15, 2019 Victoria Krouse Day in the city. CCMS holds 2019 Gala Fundraiser Tim King and Kelly Dwyer dancing at the Gala Board Trustee Coleen Ellis at the Gala CINCINNATI,OH— The Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science held their 2019Gala, November 15 at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherlands Plaza – Hall of Mirrors. The college’s L i k e U s O n F a c e b o o k ! Continued on Page A41 Young Funeral Di- rector of the Year by President and CEO of the Cin- cinnati College of Mortuary Science (CCMS), Jack Lechner . She was nominated by Er- nie Heffner of Hef- Victoria Krouse Victoria graduated sum- ma cum laude fromCCMS in 2017. But it isn’t simply her GPA that has propelled Victoria to the top of her field as a young profession- al. It is her caring and em- pathy that makes her ex- ceptional. In nominating Victoria, Ernie supplied example after example of family members who had been touched by Victoria’s warmth and sympathy. One quote, typical of the many offered, was from Lou Ann Reidel whose moth- er had passed. She said, “Victoria was fabulous in ev- ery way… Dignity, respect and warmth mean so very much. Please know how so impressed I was from the very moment Victoria arrived at our home. I immedi- ately knew Mom was in excellent hands.”