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BOOTH #2030
ASD – Answering Service
for Directors announces
Promotion of Two
Assistant Supervisors
Rachel Keys-Taylor
Lori Bongiovanni
ASD – An-
swering Service for Direc-
is pleased to announce
the recent promotions of
assistant supervisors,
chel Keys-Taylor
Rachel and
Lori have demonstrated ex-
ceptional customer service
skills and will join ASD’s
experienced team of super-
visors to provide support
and assistance to ASD’s fu-
neral director clients.
Rachel began working at
ASD in March 2010 as a
call specialist and was pro-
moted to training special-
ist after displaying a strong
understanding of ASD’s
systems. Managers recog-
nized Rachel’s patience and
empathy while speaking to
both funeral home call-
ers and the call specialists
she was training. In 2012,
Rachel was promoted to
work as an assistant super-
visor providing support to
ASD’s supervision team
and assisting with special
“My new responsibilities
as an ASD supervisor will
include overseeing opera-
tions, managing staff and
assisting clients with con-
cerns and questions,” Ra-
chel says. “I have worked
for a lot of companies and
ASD is the best. There is so
much positive reinforce-
ment and it makes you
strive to do your best. Be-
ing recognized for hard
work is a reward itself.”
Lori was hired by ASD as
a call specialist in 2012 and
managers soon noticed her
ability to learn quickly and
teach others. Lori was pro-
moted to work as a train-
ing specialist and earlier
this year, Lori began tak-
ing on new responsibilities
as an assistant supervisor
while finishing a Bachelors
Degree program at West
Chester University. ASD
has always been a highly
appealing work environ-
ment for young profession-
als looking to start their
careers. The average ASD
employee has been with
the company for over six
years largely because ASD
offers competitive salary
and a wonderful benefits
package which includes
tuition reimbursement as
well as opportunities to
grow within the company.
Rachel’s and Lori’s ex-
perience handling funeral
home calls will help them
to provide clients with a
superior level of custom-
er service. Their new roles
as ASD Supervisors allows
them to enhance their re-
lationships with funeral di-
rectors while offering their
knowledge and guidance
to the Call Specialist team.
ASD – Answering Service
for Directors has created a
new class of answering ser-
vice for funeral professionals
by raising the bar with un-
paralleled levels of advanced
training and technology.
Family owned and oper-
ated, ASD has been help-
ing funeral homes manage
their calls and their busi-
ness needs since 1972. The
and sophisticated mobile
tools were designed solely
to meet the needs of funer-
al homes. By offering funer-
al directors unmatched pro-
tection for their calls, ASD
has redefined the role of an
answering service for funer-
al homes. You can visit with
the ASD family at Booth
2030 in Austin. For more
information, visit www.
r call 1-800-
“I enjoy the challenge of
learning about all the differ-
ent accounts and being able
to help solve problems,”
Lori says. “I am grateful for
this opportunity and eager
to learn as much as I can.”
International Business Center (IBC)
will welcome
international visitors/attendees to the Convention. The lounge
will provide networking opportunities, business matchmaking
services and private meeting space for International attendees and
exhibitors as well as personal/private meetings/demonstrations.