September 2015 - page A16

Page A16
S ec t i on A
Daisies Your Journey Through... Launch
a Success
David Kelly is a member of the Ohio
Embalmers Association
David Kelly
bership in the
Embalmers Association
Kelly holds an Associ-
ate of Science degree in
Funeral Service, is des-
ignated as a funeral ser-
vice technician through
Academy of
Mortuary Science
, is cer-
tified through the Acad-
emy of Professional Fu-
neral Service Practice and
is qualified as a mortuary
disaster coordinator in
Georgia. Kelly has certi-
fication from the
quirements for the Fu-
neral Service Education
Program with highest
honors at
Stratford Ca-
reer Institute
Kelly is a member of
The Funeral Ethics Asso-
The Epsilon Nu
Delta Mortuary Fraterni-
The British Institute of
The American
Society of Embalmers
The Academy of Gradu-
ate Embalmers of Georgia.
He is also licensed in the
State of Alabama.
David Kelly
, a li-
censed funeral director and embalm-
er in Decatur, was accepted for mem-
Advanced Professional Edu-
cation Program for Funeral Directors,
and has completed the academic re-
Kyle & As-
sociates Publications
veiled its ground-breaking,
new aftercare newsletter
series to the funeral pro-
fession less than 90 days
ago. Daisies Your Journey
Through...has been met
with celebrated acclaim by
the over 75 funeral homes
that have already signed up.
Alice A. Kyle,
Kyle & Associates Publica-
tions said, “The initial re-
sponse from funeral home
owners absolutely inundat-
ed us. Our initial printing
order needed to be doubled
to accommodate all the re-
quests.” She went on to
add, “I simply can’t thank
everyone enough!”
The twelve issues, copy-
righted newsletter series
was designed to be of real
aid, consolation, education
and insight to the reader.
Customizable from the fu-
neral home, with first class
postage stamp, the newslet-
ter addresses such endur-
ing topics as Helping Your-
self through Grief; Moving
Forward and Handling
Special Days; and Your
Life Means A Lot to Oth-
ers. Revolutionary origi-
nal topics include Making
Your Own Wishes Known,
Reasons People Plan Ahead
and Effective Ways to Deal
with the First Anniversary
of Your Loved Ones Death.
A free newsletter sample
can be obtained by e-mailing
requests to daisies@netnitco.
net. Be sure to include your
full name, funeral home
name and complete mailing
address and other contact in-
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