August 2020

NEWS AUGUST 2020 Fam i l y Own e d a n d Ope r a t ed S i nce 1974 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY P O B o x 5 1 5 9 Yo u n g s t o w n O H 4 4 5 1 4 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 2 1 - 7 4 7 9 O n l i n e a t www . n o m i s p u b l i c a t i o n s . c o m P r e v i o u s l y P u b l i s h e d a s t h e Y B N e w s • S t i l l t h e P l a c e f o r Yo u r N e w s ! | 877.287.8661 Batesville websites and technology solutions are designed with personalization in mind. Deliver a personalized experience: Choose from hundreds of available obituary themes or upload a personal photo. Browse & personalize products with your digital product showroom. Create custom memorial videos through Tukios. ©2020 Batesville Services, Inc. Free Custom Personalized Built by Batesville. Focused on YOU! “It’s (COVID-19) been very stressful for everyone. They are all on edge but they are holding their own. We are taking care of the dead. It’s a job no one else wants to do, naturally, but we’re at a stage where we are needed and are essential. “Our staff has emerged as the true unsung heroes for essential end of life services. We are the caretakers of the dead and healers for the living. We are the last frontier in the battle against the Corona Pandemic.” –J. P. DiTroia Fresh Pond Crematory & Columbarium: Where History, Art, and a Dog Come Together Hall of Serenity MIDDLE VILLAGE,NY— Fresh Pond Crematory in Queens is a surprising step away from the image of death and grief that is expected in a crematory and columbarium. While sadness remains, there is also beauty and peace. The public expectation for where they hold their deceased is shattered in a place like Fresh Pond Cre- matory, which is home not only to 40,000 souls, but also to regular tours. Built in 1884, it is one of the oldest crematories in the United States and was the first facility of its kind in Continued on Page A2 J. P. and Tina DiTroia the state of New York. The building tout’s historic art and graceful archi- tecture and attracts tourists from within the city and around the world. R obbie R osier E mbarks on J ourney to W rite about the P ositive S ide of F uneral S ervice See Page A24 C lear V iew C askets ® launches G old L ine See Page B7 R oberts & D owney announces C athedral S tyle C hapel S et See Page B10 See Page A29 NFDA C ancels I n - person C onvention ; will hold its F irst E ver V irtual C onvention Classified Ads Shipping Directory Index of Advertisers