August 2018

Page A21 AUGUST 2018 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A News Educational Two Mortuary Schools visit Astral Mid-America College of Funeral Service Students Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science Students LYNN,IN— Astral recently had the pleasure of hosting students from both the Mid-America College of Funeral Ser- vice and the Cincinnati College of Mor- tuary Science. Both visits included a detailed tour of the manufacturing fa- cilities, as well an educational seminar which allowed students to learn about casket construction, merchandising cas- kets and engage in conversation about the funeral industry. “We are thrilled with the relationship that we have de- veloped with these schools and always look forward to being a part of their learning process as they work towards being leaders in the funeral industry,” stated Charlie Shaw, CEO and chair- man of the board of Astral. Astral Industries, headquartered in Lynn, IN, manufactures 18 gauge, 20 gauge and stainless steel caskets, as well as supplies cremation and wood products. For more information about Astral and the products they of- fer, contact the customer service de- partment at 1-800-278-7252, visit, like them on Facebook or follow them on Instagram. www.nomi s publ i cat i ons . com