July 2018

Page A41 JULY 2018 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A Exquisite craftsmanship... Understated dignity... Church & Chapel’s furniture sets are designed and built in our own factory, for total control over quality and craftsmanship. The matched sets – available in a wide variety of styles – contribute just the right sense of piety and tradition, to help your clients feel comfortable in their time of need. For details, contact your Church &Chapel representative. Furniture from Church & Chapel “The Bostonian” One of Our Finest Collections O n -L ine A ssOciAte D egree i n F unerAL s ervice 1616 Church Street | Nashville, TN 37203 615-327-3927 | www.guptoncollege.edu For information concerning cost and program call 615-327-3927, go to our website at guptoncollege.edu or email admissions@guptoncollege.edu. If you are interested in becoming a licensed funeral professional, John A. Gupton College can help you get there. The Associate Degree in Funeral Service is an accredited program. Our online program is flexible, career-focused and may be completed in 12 or 16 months. Financial Aid is available. Funeral Service Foundation Awards $35,000 in Academic and NFDA Professional Women’s Conference Scholarships News Educational ContinueD BROOKFIELD,WI— The Funeral Service Foundation (FSF) recently awarded nine academic scholarships and ten NFDA Pro- fessional Women’s Conference Scholarships. The scholarships, totaling $35,000, are part of the Foundation ’45 Awards, which are de- signed to help funeral service professionals and students unlock their potential and take their careers to the next level. In addition to academic scholarships and NFDA Professional Women’s Conference Scholarships, the Foundation ’45 Awards include NFDA’s Meet the Mentors pro- gram, student Arranger Training, and Ca- reer Development Awards. “Education is a Foundation corner- stone,” said Foundation executive direc- tor Danelle O’Neill. “Three generations of funeral service professionals have ben- efited from our involvement in academic and continuing education.” NFDA Professional Women’s Conference Scholarship Recipients Ten women were awarded scholarships to attend the 2018 NFDA Profession- al Women’s Conference, which was held April 12-15 in Atlantic Beach, FL. The women were selected based on their essay and video submissions, which addressed why they chose a career in the profession; the professional accomplishment of which they are most proud; a mentor who has helped shape their career; and reasons for wanting to participate in the conference. “This year marks 20 years of Founda- tion support of the annual conference,” said O’Neill during a luncheon celebrat- ing the 2018 winners. “Since 1998 nearly 140 women have received scholarships to attend the NFDA Professional Women’s Conference because our donors under- stand that this professional development opportunity enriches our profession and our communities.” The 2018 NFDA Professional Wom- en’s Conference Scholarships were made possible, in part, through the generosity of long-time Foundation donors Foun- dation Partners Group, Nomis Publi- cations Inc. and Trigard. Scholarships covered the recipients’ conference regis- tration fees, and provided a $1,000 travel and accommodation stipend. In addition, first-time Foundation donor Park Lawn Continued on Page A42 Class Officers: Send Us Your News! Email info@nomispublications.com PO Box 5159, Youngstown, OH 44514 • Fax 1-800-321-9040