July 2018

Page A40 JULY 2018 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A October 14-17 Salt Lake City, Utah 2018 NFDA International Convention & Expo Register now! nfda.org/saltlake2018 • 800.228.6332 If you only attend one funeral service event this year, make it the world’s largest! • 6000+ attendees from 35+ countries • 40+ educational sessions • 92,000 square feet of exhibits • 2 world-class keynote speakers Monday Laura Bush First Lady of the United States (2001-2009) Wednesday Rudy Giuliani Former Mayor of New York City 2018_Convention_NOMIS_1/3Ad.indd 1 4/6/18 12:40 PM (Memories of Jack’s Recipes) Original Recipes from Dottie and Jack Frediani Shared by Kate Frediani-Gorman Cremation Products Inc. 800-837-0701 www.cremationproductsinc.com Mushroom Sauce: 3/4 cup chicken broth 1 Tbs flour 1 Tbs butter 1 tsp finely chopped green onions, white part only 1½ cup thinly sliced mushrooms ½ cup whipping cream Salt and freshly ground pepper Nutmeg Pinch of ground red pepper Combine broth and flour in small bowl and stir until flour is dissolved. Melt butter in me- dium skillet over medium high heat. Add onion and sauté until tender, about 1 minute. Reduce heat to medium. Add mushrooms and cook about 2 to 3 minutes. Stir in broth. Increase heat to medium high and cook until slightly thickened, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes. Blend in cream, salt and pepper. Season to taste with nutmeg and ground red pepper. Prepare sauce and keep warm Veal: 1 lb veal scaloppini or 1 lb chicken breasts, skinned and boned 2 Tbs flour Salt and freshly ground pepper 1 egg 2 Tbs water 1½ cup bread crumbs 3-5 Tbs oil 1-2 Tbs butter Pound meat between 2 sheets of waxed paper until very thin. Combine flour, salt and pep- per in pie plate. Beat egg with water in shal- low dish. Dredge meat in flour, dip into egg mixture and then roll in bread crumbs. Lightly pound slices with flat of knife so bread crumbs adhere to meat. Heat 3 Tbs oil with 1 Tbs butter, in large skillet over medium high heat. Add meat in batches and sauté until browned, turning once, about 3 to 5 minutes, adding more oil and butter as necessary. Transfer to platter and spoon sauce over meat. Memoires des choix des Jacque Good Eating! VEAL SCALOPPINI WITH MUSHROOM SAUCE Jason Troyer joins Preneed Summit Faculty News Educational ContinueD Jason Troyer WALL TOWNSHIP,NJ— Jason Troyer, Ph.D ., the founder of Mt Hope Grief Services inMaryville, TN, has joined the all- star faculty presenting at the Preneed Summit, November 2, at the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel. The event, organized by Homesteaders Life Company and Kates-Boylston Publications , brings together leaders from inside and outside the profession to help owners, manag- ers and producers: implement simple, step-by-step strategies to begin getting referrals immediately; develop a consistent, quality method to get feedback from clients; and leverage re- views and ratings to build brand loyalty. Earlier this year, Troyer and Homesteaders announced the launch of Finding Resil- ience , a program that helps fu- neral service and allied profes- sionals prevent burnout and reduce career fatigue. At the summit, Troyer will provide a brief overview of the program and how it dif- fers from other career fatigue programs. He will also pro- vide a comprehensive how-to guidebook, a writing journal with inspirational prompts and access to a variety of free online resources, including regu- lar blog posts, video messages and weekly motivational emails. “While we only recently launched this program, the re- sponse to Finding Resilience has been tremendous,” said Dean Lambert , senior vice president of marketing and com- munications at Homesteaders Life Company. “Adding this to our program is a big bonus for attendees.” Troyer says he’s pleased to be involved. “Funeral profession- als face unique challenges, and it’s been my pleasure to work with Homesteaders to create a comprehensive program that supports funeral professionals over a long period of time,” he said. “While this summit will focus on business, it’s impor- tant to include a personal dynamic, because if we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of our businesses.” Other summit speakers include: Dan Allison , who sold his first company for millions while still in his twenties and has since dedicated his career to show- ing professionals how gaining a better understanding of their clients will lead to an incredible referral relationship. He is president of Brokers Clearing House, which is an essential re- source for creating solutions. He is also president and found- er of Feedback Marketing Group, which focuses on helping businesses earn referrals. Benji Cumbie is a fifth-generation funeral director born and raised in the funeral profession. Growing up around the funeral home, he witnessed the difficulties families face when an advance funeral plan is not in place; this created a strong belief in preneed. He owns Foothills Planning Services , which in 2017 generated nearly $8 million in preneed sales. West Foulger is the chief operating officer and president of business development for Envision Strategic Partners , which has been helping funeral homes and cemeteries take their pre- need sales programs to the next level since its founding in 2015. He also oversees preneed sales at LarkinMortuary andCeme- tery , which has three locations throughout the Salt Lake valley. Jeff Harbeson , also known as “The Funeral Commander,” brings experienced strategic leadership on the battlefield of funeral industry innovation and change. As a funeral home owner/developer/partner combined with his 20 years of mili- tary service, including Operation Desert Storm, his experi- ence and his strategic expertise exemplifies “a vision is only a dream without execution.” He is the director of marketing of The Foresight Companies. Dan Isard is founder and president of the Foresight Com- panies in Phoenix and one of the most esteemed consultants in all of death care. He is also one of the profession’s most prolific writers, having written four books: “The Dealmaker’s Guide to Buying and Selling Funeral Homes and Cemeter- ies,” “How to Stay Independent and Profitable,” “What Every Funeral Director and Cemeterian Should Know about Cre- mation” and “The Complete Preneed Perspective.” The Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice has approved the Preneed Summit for 5.5 contact hours of con- tinuing education, and approvals will be sought in various states that do not automatically accept Academy approval. Visit www.katesboylston.com/preneedsummit to learn more – or call Thomas Parmalee at 732-746-0201 or email tparmalee@katesboylston.com.