February 2019

Page A29 FEBRUARY 2019 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A SEE IT IN ACTION: watch the video at Ideal for home removals wheels make it easier on your back! YOUR YEAR THIS IS Funeral Communications for 2019 1-800-868-9950 myASD.com Enhance Family Experience Instant Access Messaging Gain Peace of Mind erty (which includes the WWII, Korean, Middle East Conflicts and Workers Memorials that sit on their prop- erty), the partnership with Anchor and Furtherlight Ma- sonic Lodges (whose lodge home is in the former com- munity room on the lower floor), the cremation cemetery across the street, the on-site crematory, and the extensive genealogical database. Kruger-Coan-Pape Funeral Home & Crematory, as the new name will be, will quickly begin a complete re- model of the building and grounds, while continuing to keep the doors open and serve their clientele. Jen and Mi- chael will strive to be fair and competitive, keep costs low, and will honor paid pre-arrangements, regardless of what funeral home you made them at. They are also working to offer discounts to both honorably discharged Veterans and Masonic members. Jen and Michael can be reached at anytime, as they control the Facebook page, are always on call, and are always by their cell phones. Pape Funeral Home Now Employee Owned Continued from Page A18 joys genealogy, is a member of the Illiana Genealogical Society and created www.vermilioncounty.info where he photographed hundreds of cemeteries and posted them for free access to the public. He is also a mem- ber of Further Light Masonic Lodge. Michael started at Pape’s in 2012 as an office assistant, and soon found his calling. Both Jen and Michael have a passion for the funeral in- dustry and give their all to every family they serve. The two of them are dedicated to their calling, and are firm in saying that you will meet with them, the owners, when you come in their facility. They bring with them all nine current Pape staff members, including Jen’s dad who has thirty-six years of experience in maintenance and grounds keeping, working for 32 years at Colonial Manor Nurs- ing Home before coming on board. With the purchase of the Pape franchise, Jen and Mi- chael take over the existing home, all seven acres of prop- our employers to our gov- ernments (federal, state and local) and our com- munities at large; few can point to a history of suc- cessfully initiating pro- grams or legislation de- signed to assist widowers. Men who, by all accounts, are hurting and are at risk. The same can be said about America’s publishing hous- es. I experienced this first- hand when I asked a clerk at a large bookstore what self- help material they had for a new widower (me). The clerk typed “widower” into his computer’s search en- gine and then looked up at me saying, “Mister, I don’t have a damn thing for you.” With 2.7 million widowers in America, and 1,150 new widowers each day, I knew someone needed to write a book designed to help griev- ing widowers, and that per- son was me. After nine years of re- search and writing, sup- ported by the generous contributions of over 40 widowers including Har- old and Earnest, and 15 subject matter experts, my breakout book, The Wid- ower’s Journey was re- leased in April 2017. My encouragement to all is to become part of the solution to this national tragedy. Allow your voice to be among those offer- ing proactive support to all who grieve, including widowers. Know a wid- ower? Why not invite him to lunch. If you’re hav- ing a few friends over to watch the big game, ask your widowed neighbor to join in on the fun. Resolve to be passive no more. I promise you this. Your ef- forts to comfort a widower (or widow) will be the best part of your day. Herb Knoll is an advo- cate for widowers, profession- al speaker and founder of the That’s right, one family lost four sister-in-laws. And there are others I have worked with who cited similar stories. How do they endure while surrounded by a culture that is not sensitized to their needs? Society has failed our country’s widowers, from our health care professionals to our houses of worship, from One in Five Men Will Be Widowed – Some of Them Twice! Continued from Page A28 Widowers Support Network, www.WidowersSupportNetwork. com. Knoll authored the breakout book, TheWidower’s Journey, available at Amazon.com in paperback and all digital formats. Facebook:Widowers Support Network – Members Only and at Widowers Support Network. Email: herb@WidowersSupport- Network.com Office phone: 615-579-8136. L i k e Us On Facebook!