February 2019

Page A27 FEBRUARY 2019 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A Johnson Consulting releases 2018 Insights and Trends Continued from Page A24 Overall per Case Sales • Small increases in the average sale for at-need cremations and at-need burials from 2015 to 2016 were erased in 2017 as the average sale per case was lower across all categories. • Combining all case types, the average sale per case in 2017 was $4,742, approximately 6% below the average in 2015 and 2016. While the $309 difference since 2015 reflects a lower average sale across all categories, the decline is predominantly driven by: • A larger number of families choosing lower priced cremations • A significant decrease in the average sale for pre-need burials (considered non- controllable sales since arrangements were made in the past and were not influ- enced by current pricing or merchandising) At-Need vs. Pre-Need Sales • While pre-need sales are considered non-controllable, sales for pre-need cremations and burials are both significantly lower than the corresponding average sale for at- need cases, driving down the overall per case average. Pre-need burials average over 20% lower than their at-need counterparts, while pre-need cremations average 9% below at-need cremations. Continued on Page A30 • Traditional at-need burial sales remain the highest revenue generator of any case type in 2017, nearly 32% above pre-need burials, and 22% above graveside at-need burials. • Immediate at-need burials, while still the lowest per case revenue generator among burial case types, experienced an 11% increase in the average sale since 2015.