February 2019

Page A23 FEBRUARY 2019 FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY NEWS S ec t i on A Sich Plantation Pecan - H2302 ONLY YOUR ACCOUNTANT CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE. For your nearest Sich distributor, call 888-794-1744 or visit www.sichcasket.com WHAT A SHAME TO HAVE TO BURY IT. Compared to other works of a carver’s craft, the “life” of a casket is incredibly brief. And yet, its significance demands no shor tcuts or imper fections. Each panel of wood has to be per fectly matched in hue and grain. Every detail, from the motion of the hardware to the lustre of the hand-polished finish, must attest to the maker’s time and attention. In short, a Sich casket must be as beautiful as it is purposeful. To which, we’ll also add affordable. So, while our caskets may not stay around for very long, their value surely lasts.